About Leo Beloyianis, DC
Leo Beloyianis, DC opened his Chiropractic Practice in Long Beach in 1986 specializing in locating and correcting the cause of health problems.
Other doctors may prescribe medication or recommend therapies, such as Ultrasound, Electric Stimulation, Acupuncture or Massage to treat your unwanted health condition or symptom. As a Chiropractor, Dr. Leo does not perform any of those therapies, he corrects the cause of your unwanted health condition. Dr. Leo looks to the Spine for your Nervous System Interference -that is called a (Vertebral Subluxation) or (Spinal Misalignment).
When Dr. Leo does your Examination, X-ray and Computerized Spinal Studies, he looks to find if there is any Nervous System Interference. If there is, he will be able to help you! If there is not, he can direct you to a Health Provider so that you can get the help you need.
Thank you for taking the time to visit us on the web and we look forward to seeing you.